Вы когда нибудь мечтали встретить песчанного медведя... А такие вообще встречаются?-спросите вы. Так что вы оказались в правильном месте.... Добро пожаловать в Sandy Wonderful World!!!!!
Have you ever thought to meet a sandy bear ? Don't think so... Are they exist? - you will ask me. So, you are in the right place to know everything about them Welcome to the Sandy Wonderful World...
Hi Everybody!!!!! I know I disappeared for the while but there is big reason behind )))))) I spend all my free time with my daughter in summer holiday !!!! It's excuse, isn't it?
Soooo TBAAF voting finally started !!!!!You can find my bears in
3 categories (Novice Bear, Teddy Bear, Fantasy) Please I need your