Вы когда нибудь мечтали встретить песчанного медведя... А такие вообще встречаются?-спросите вы.
Так что вы оказались в правильном месте.... Добро пожаловать в Sandy Wonderful World!!!!!

Have you ever thought to meet a sandy bear ? Don't think so... Are they exist? - you will ask me. So, you are in the right place to know everything about them
Welcome to the Sandy Wonderful World...

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Bedtime stories

I just want to share some graphic I absolutely love. Its artwork of my close friend. Her name is Sasha and she is living in Ukraine.When I visited her this summer I've got  them as a present. Now I have to find nice frame to put it on the wall.
I hope you will enjoy as well!!!!

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