Вы когда нибудь мечтали встретить песчанного медведя... А такие вообще встречаются?-спросите вы.
Так что вы оказались в правильном месте.... Добро пожаловать в Sandy Wonderful World!!!!!

Have you ever thought to meet a sandy bear ? Don't think so... Are they exist? - you will ask me. So, you are in the right place to know everything about them
Welcome to the Sandy Wonderful World...

Saturday 19 March 2011

Little Muk

Definitely your parents read you the story about little Muk.

Here we are.. Its me.. Little boy with his magic flying slippers whonrealizes that neither money nor any magical powers can make somebody really happy. Only tolerance and humanity have the power to create warmth and affection between people.
After long way I found my home...


Hi, I'm Bonitto... Very friendly bear.

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